lakalma, estudio
hardcore wayfinders
(hardcore branding work)
tinedo. next generation
Mrs. Esperanza Angulo, the great-grandmother, built up the new winery in the late 19th.
The new generation rebuilt the winery and the vineyards, starting up a new brand looking for excellence.
In a saturated market, they needed to find out his own language, their character.
Contemporary / cultural communication / social and ambiental ecology
Honesty / simplicity / sense of humor / narration / low cost / evolutive / DIY
Changing topics
Red and in a bottle: WINE
We don't need grapes, raisins, glasses... It's wine is obvious, we'll say something else.

and acting
with an open mind

"LA LIBERTAD, Sancho, es uno de los más preciosos dones que a los hombres dieron los cielos; con ella no pueden igualarse los tesoros que encierra la tierra ni el mar encubre; por la libertad así como por la honra se puede y debe aventurar la vida."
Segunda parte de El ingenioso caballero don Quijote de la Mancha
Capítulo LVIII
proud to be Manchego
another Mancha is possible
La Mancha
La Mancha
we got
Don Quixote
the greyhounds
deer below
the grapes
there is not beach
flat as a pancake

we found out
there is lots of quixotes, dulcineas, beaches, belows and landscapes

we decided
to use as much as possible the pictures and images of the winery owner, Manuel Álvarez-Arenas, photographer, his family, friends, dogs and grand-fathers, to build up a Tinedo's personal world
Manuel is happy
La Mancha
La Mancha

They where grapes?

My life as a grape
the land
and the people who works it
HI! This is our first wine,
so we introduce ourselves
This is a party!
La Mancha

La Mancha

Still looking for...

Oh, dear
do you belive
our love been possible?
(fish and meat love)

Man's best friend -and woman

About Calas (coves), Galas, Dulcineas and Aphrodites

Ven a mí desde Creta a este templo sagrado, donde hay un huerto hermoso de manzanos y altares que humean incienso,

donde corre agua fresca entre las ramas, sombrean todo el sítio los rosales, y de las hojas que tiemblan cae sueño profundo,

donde hay un prado en que pacen caballos, hay flores de primavera y brisas suaves...

Ven aquí, la de Chipre, y en copas de oro escancia graciosamente el néctar mezclado con la fiesta

La Mancha

La Mancha
La Mancha
La Mancha

La Mancha
(funny) working time
(my scissors and I)

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natalia flores

collage yola

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natalia flores

We got labels and labels, we liked'it, but were no the best
(or not at this strategical moment...)

Magnum, especial edition

Oh, dear do you belive our love been possible? (fish and meat love)
More collages and more funny bottles (too fun, less meaning)


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The hardcorest design work...
is choosing!

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lakalma, estudio
branding bizarro / unusual design / DIY communication / hardcore thinking